How to Study the Bible – Using SOAP

How to Study the Bible – Using SOAP

As you read through the Bible each day, find a verse or 2 that really stand out to you from your reading for that day.  Use some kind of journaling process to record some information.

At the top of the page put the SCRIPTURE (this is the S) that stands out for you.  For example, if you’re reading John 3, you may discover that John 3:16 stands out for you.  In that case you would put in this entry –
Scripture –  John 3:16 – “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”

Then, take the time to write out some OBSERVATIONS (this is the O) about what’s going on in that section of the Bible.  Using John 3:16 as an example, you might have an entry like this –
Observation – Nicodemus was a Jewish religious leader – a Pharisee.  His group was against Jesus.  They saw Jesus as a threat.  But, he wanted to find out more information on Jesus.  So, he went secretly to meet with Jesus.  While talking to Jesus, Jesus told him that he needed to be born again in order to see God’s Kingdom.  Needless to say, Nicodemus was confused by what Jesus said.  Jesus told him that all people need to experience new birth into spiritual life.  When Nicodemus asked Jesus what that means, among many things – we find what Jesus said in John 3:16.  This verse is simply the Gospel – anyone who believes in Jesus, anyone who believes He is who He says He is, will experience eternal life.  The reverse is true as well – anyone who doesn’t believe in Jesus will experience eternal death and separation from God.

After you make general observations about the scripture, you need to seek to make APPLICATION (this is the A) of these truths to your own life.  You might say something like this –
Application – I am so grateful that Jesus died for me.  I’m grateful that He was resurrected so that I could experience eternal life.  I’m grateful that my right standing with God is based on who Jesus is and not on what I’ve done.  I need to live in this hope.  I need to share this hope with others.  I need to point others to the hope that is found only in Jesus Christ.

The last step you take in this model is to PRAY (this is the P).  Ask God to help you live out the truths of this passage.  An example of a prayer for this verse might be –
Prayer – God, Thank You so much for the forgiveness of sin.  Thank You so much that Your Son Jesus came to die for my sins.  Thank You for putting me in right standing with You.  Thank You for giving me eternal life. Now, help me to go out and enjoy this eternal life You have given me.  Help me to live for You and enjoy this life You have for me.  Help me to tell others about this love for them.  Help me to point others to the love that is found in Jesus Christ.  May I learn to love the world as You love the world.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

My prayer is that this method will help you as you seek to read and understand God’s story.

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