Category Archives: Proverbs

A Loving Dad

Scripture –
Proverbs 3:11-12 – My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline or be weary of his reproof, for the Lord reproves him whom he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights.

Observation –
God’s intention is to be a great dad for us.  It’s not just His intention – it’s reality.  But, the question is – Am I willing to allow Him to be my loving Father?  Will I be responsive to His leadership in my life?  In these verses we see that God sometimes punishes us and corrects us.  He sets us straight.  There are consequences for our sinful actions.  But, it’s not because God gets some kind of jollies out of punishing us.  The truth is – He’s doing it because He loves us.  To take it to the level of this verse – He doesn’t just love us.  Instead, we are “the son in whom He delights”!  What an incredible thought.  God loves me so much that He delights in me.  But, that delight doesn’t mean I’m free from His discipline.  Rather, it’s because of His love for me that He disciplines me at times.  He knows what I need best.  He’s given the task to guide me, shape me, and develop me into the person He made me to be.  The earthly example we have that goes with this is fathers.  Any good father loves his child enough to discipline them.  Any good father delights in his child enough that he trains them in the way they should go.  Fathers are given the responsibility, opportunity, and privilege to train their child in the way they should go.  This is a picture of what God does in our lives when He brings reproof and correction.

Application –
Whenever I sin against God and others I need to willingly accept God’s correction. This is what should lead me to repentance.  It’s through repentance that my relationship with God is put back in order.  So, as hard as it is to accept, I need to be willing to receive God’s correction in my life – knowing that He has my very best interests in mind.

Prayer –
God, Thank You for Your incredible love for me.  Help me to accept Your great love for me by submitting to Your leadership in my life.  May I be grateful for any and all reproof that I receive from You. May that just be a wonderful reminder of Your incredible love for me!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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Giving is About Trusting

Scripture –
Proverbs 3:9-10 – Honor the Lord with your wealth 
and with the firstfruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.

Observation –
While the Proverbs oftentimes don’t tie in with the verses before or after, I believe in this case they do.  These verses say that we should honor God with our “firstfruits.”  In other words – we are to give to God out of the first of our income and produce.  In other places in the Bible this is referred to as the tithe.  We are to take 10% of our finances right off the top and give it to the church for the advancement of God’s Kingdom.  But, how in the world are we to do this?  After all, money is tight for most of us.  How can we afford to give from our firstfruits?  Why not wait until after we pay all our bills?  I believe the answer is found in verses 5-6 which say, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”  I believe the reason God asks for us to give our firstfruits is not because He needs the money.  Instead, we are to give our firstfruits because it’s a tangible way for us to show Him that we trust Him.  We will be faithful with the money that He allows us to have and we will trust Him to provide us with everything that we need along the way.  So, giving to God is less about the money and more about the trust.  Am I willing to trust Him or will I continue to trust in my stuff?

Application –
My family and I tithe.  So, my first response is to think that I’m already living this verse out and I scoot on past it.  But, I need to slow down and really take the time to think a few things through.  Yes I’m giving a tithe.  Yes I’m giving from my firstfruits (we tithe on the first Sunday of every month).  But, am I completely honoring God with my “wealth”?  In other words – am I being a wise steward of all the money God gives me and not just the firstfruits?  Is the way that I’m choosing to spend my money pleasing to God?  Am I honoring God with all of my finances?  For the most part I think I am. But, I need to be more careful day in and day out to make sure that I’m being careful and wise with the money that God has chosen to allow me to have.

Prayer –
God, Thank You for my income.  Thank You for my stuff.  Thank You for providing for me in so many ways.  May I never take that for granted. May I always be grateful for what I have.  Also, may I always honor You with all of my finances and with my life. Teach me to trust You in this area (and every other area as well) of my life.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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3 Words You Don’t Want to Hear from God – “Have Your Way”

Scripture –
Proverbs 1:29-31 – Because they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord, would have none of my counsel and despised all my reproof, therefore they shall eat the fruit of their way, and have their fill of their own devices.

Observation –
Proverbs is a collection of wise sayings.  They’re intended to teach us how to live our lives.  However, they also point out times that people don’t make wise choices.  In these verses we find an example of people who don’t choose to follow the wisdom of God.  Instead of walking in the way of wisdom, they’re walking in the way of foolishness and sin.  Instead of fearing God they have ignored His counsel.  Instead of listening to God and obeying Him, they have chosen to do their own thing.  But, this is dangerous.  Because at some point, God will turn to this type of person and say, “Have your way.’ At first glance this would look like a good thing for Him to say. But, as these verses point out, this is not good at all.  A person who constantly ignores the ways of God will get to the point that God will allow them to have their way and they end up reaping what they sow.  They “shall eat the fruit of their way.”  In the end this leads to destruction. They are fools because the very thing that they thought would bring them happiness will actually end up destroying them.  This should be a wake up call to all of us to heed the reproof (correction) of God.

Application –
I’m far from being perfect. I still sin all too often. But, I can honestly say that I’m on a path that is walking opposite of foolishness.  My life isn’t highlighted by an outright rebellion to God.  For the most part I’m on the path of wisdom.  However, these verses still very much apply to me.  First, it’s a reminder that I need to continue to strive to follow Christ even closer.  Secondly, I’m reminded that there are WAY too many people around me that are ignoring God’s counsel, wisdom, and direction. They are living openly in defiance against God’s wise direction.  If I don’t seek to reach them with the Gospel then they will eventually find themselves living out the consequences of their foolishness.  They will hear these 3 horrible words from God – “Have your way.”  As a pastor, I want to love people and point them towards the things of God.

Prayer –
God, Help me to be a great pastor, friend, and family member.  If I see people headed to destruction, help me to step up and do something about it.  Help me to always look for opportunities to lovingly point people to the wise thing – following You.  Help me to be a friend to all people.  Help me to love them and care for them.  Help me point them towards You. I’m tired of watching people face the consequences of foolish decisions.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.


Filed under Proverbs

Proper Motivation For Obedience

May 28’s reading – Proverbs 7-9; Romans 9

Scripture –
Proverbs 7:2-3 – keep my commandments and live; keep my teaching as the apple of your eye; bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart.

Observation –
Whenever we keep God’s commandments we benefit.  In order to remember to obey, we are to put His commandments on our hearts, or internalize them so that we actually obey them.

Application –
Too often we see rules, commandments, and instruction as legal transactions – do this or don’t do that.  These verses help us remember the purpose of God’s instructions.  It is meant to be internalized and become a part of who we are.  We are to incorporate the truth of God’s word in our lives that it becomes second nature to obey Him.  We are to seek to digest and incorporate God’s instructions into our lives that it’s as if His commandments are written on our hearts.  When we do this, then our motivation for obedience is love for God. It’s not out of legalism or fear.  When we get to that point, we are more likely to actually obey God.

Prayer –
God, Help me to learn and know Your instructions in such a way that I am happily obeying You.  I want to obey You out of a deep love for You and Your commandments.  Thank You for loving me.  Help me to love You back.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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True Wisdom

May 26’s reading – Proverbs 1-3; Romans 7

Scripture –
Proverbs 1:7 – The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge;

Observation –
The book of Proverbs is a collection of wise sayings. The book begins with this verse.  It’s a simple reminder about where wisdom really comes from.

Application –
There are a lot of smart people in the world.  I’m not one of them, but there are areas that I am pretty decent in.  However, in the midst of this, we must remember where our quest for knowledge must begin.  It must start with a healthy fear or respect for God.  Without that starting point we’re not really all that smart.  If it were possible, we could learn and retain all the information that is found in an entire library, but if we don’t have a healthy fear of God, then we’re not really knowledgeable.  It all begins with God.  In order for us to head in the right direction we must acknowledge that God is our maker and redeemer.  Before I make choices or decisions, I must consult God.  What is the wise step?  What is the right thing to do?  It must be grounded in my relationship with Him.

Prayer –
God, Teach me how to be wise.  Help me to always follow You.  May I not make any choice without first consulting You.  Help me to always live according to the wisdom that is referred to in this verse.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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The Reflections of Your Heart

Today’s reading comes from Proverbs 27-29.  Here’s what I journaled –

Scripture –
Proverbs 27:19 – As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person.

Observation –
The Proverbs talk a great deal about integrity and honesty.  This verse talks about this topic.  In order to see the real person all you have to do is look at their heart.

Application –
So many times we try to fool people.  We put on a mask or disguise.  We act one way around some people and another way around other people.  We do one thing at church and another thing at home.  In the New Testament Jesus got onto the Pharisees who were religious leaders who looked all clean and upright on the outside, but on the inside they were full of sin.  Who we are inside, what our heart is reflecting is who we really are as a person.  The question we must all ask ourselves is – what kind of reflection is my heart displaying?  Is it something that I’m proud of?  Or, is there work on my heart that I need to take care of?  I want my outside to reflect my heart.  I want to be real, transparent, and authentic.  I want my heart to reflect the love of Christ.  The only way I can do this is by trusting in God and truly following Him instead of my own sinful ways and desires.

Prayer –
God, Help me to reflect You.  May my heart be pure and show Your love to the world.  Remove any sinful part of my heart.  Cleanse it from sin.  I want my life to point others to You.  I know that it really doesn’t matter what I look like on the outside if I’m full of lies and deceit on the inside.  So, help my life to match my heart and may that bring You glory.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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If You’re Going to Lie About Someone You Might as Well Hit Them With an Ax

Today’s reading comes from 1 Kings 9; 2 Chronicles 8; and Proverbs 25-26.  Here’s what I journaled –

Scripture –
Proverbs 25:18 – Telling lies about others is as harmful as hitting them with an ax, wounding them with a sword, or shooting them with a sharp arrow.

Observation –
The Proverbs talk a great deal about human relationships.  In this verse it talks about how damaging it is to tell lies about others.  You might as well hit them with an ax, sword, or arrow if you’re going to tell lies about them.

Application –
We don’t think about others’ feelings enough of the time.  It’s too easy to just say or do whatever we want.  We’ve heard it said, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”  That is totally incorrect.  As this proverb says, when we lie about others we do them great damage.  The word pictures that are used in this verse are incredible.  Lying about someone else is the same as using an ax, sword, or arrow against them.  It does incredible damage to the other person.  So, think before you say anything about anyone else.  God’s Word makes it clear that we are to love one another.  One area where we often struggle is with our words.

Prayer –
God, Help me to not lie about others.  May I choose to use my words to build others up and not to tear them down.  I don’t want anyone to hurt me, so I shouldn’t set out to hurt them either.  Help me to be full of love.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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In Slavery To My Debts

Today’s reading comes from Proverbs 21-24.  Here’s what I journaled –

Scripture –
Proverbs 22:7 – Just as the rich rule the poor, so the borrower is servant to the lender.

Observation –
The Proverbs cover information about finances as well.  This verse talks about the challenges of borrowing money.

Application –
I remember the first time I had this verse quoted to me.  I had just bought a brand new car.  Now, I was a 2 car “family” even though I was single at the time – since I kept my old truck as well.  I was feeling the pinch of making a monthly car payment and was hopeful for a pay raise.  My boss (also my pastor) quoted this verse to me.  Since that time I have experienced the truth of this verse.  Whenever we borrow money we end up having less margin in our finances. When we have less margin in our finances then we can’t get the things we need and we can’t meet the needs of others.  Our money is totally tied up and we can’t do anything about it.  That’s why it is always best to pay cash for everything you purchase (with the possible exception of a house).  Everything I have said sounds weird to most Americans. We want it and so we go out and buy it now instead of saving up for it.  We end up overspending.  As I write this down, I am counting down the days (actually like 3-5 months) until my van is paid off and we owe no one – except our mortgage company.  Now – to live out this truth and not borrow money in the future.  Can I live this truth out?  I hope so, because it’s no fun being a servant to my lenders!

Prayer –
God, Help me to live out this passage of Scripture.  There’s no doubt that I see the wisdom in not borrowing money.  Now, help me to actually live out what I say I believe.  Help me to have more margin so I can be a blessing to others and Your kingdom.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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Always Discipline Your Children

Today’s reading comes from Proverbs 17-20.  Here’s what I journaled –

Scripture –
Proverbs 19:18 – Discipline your children while there is hope.  Otherwise you will ruin their lives.

Observation –
Wisdom says to discipline your children before they go down the wrong path.

Application –
This passage says that we ruin the lives of our children whenever we don’t discipline them.  It’s critical that we discipline our children while there is still hope.  What’s that about?  Basically – as parents it’s our job to discipline our kids.  Discipline isn’t just the issue of spanking, time-out, grounding, etc.  Rather, discipline includes things beyond punishment. It also includes instructing our kids in areas like manners, finances, responsibility, work ethic, etc.  Of course, the most important area is the area of following Christ.  Our children must be taught this.  They need to learn discipline in life.  If we don’t discipline them, then we are dooming them to a difficult life.  We’ll be sending them down the wrong path.  Unfortunately, too many of our youth in America haven’t been disciplined and they’re ruining their lives (and others).  The question is – am I disciplining my children in a way that honors God?  If not, then I better correct it before its too late.

Prayer –
God, Reveal to me how I’m doing as a parent.  Let me and Ashley know where we need to improve, how we need to do a better job of disciplining the kids.  I want to lead the kids in the right direction. So, help me discipline them in every area of life.  May I never take my responsibility as a parent lightly.  Help me to trust You in the process.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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Gentle Speech Makes All the Difference

Today’s reading comes from Proverbs 13-16.  Here’s what I journaled –

Scripture –
Proverbs 15:1 – A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare.

Observation –
Proverbs always provides straight forward, practical advice.  This verse makes it clear that gentle answers are much, much better than harsh words.  2 days in a row of similar verses.

Application –
Obviously God is trying to get my attention.  This is day 2 of similar verses.  This one simply says that in our conversations it is much better to give simple, gentle answers instead of harsh answers.  When we’re harsh, tempers flare and problems come about.  Why do I find it so difficult to give simple, loving, grace-filled answers instead of short, impatient, and sometimes arrogant answers?  I’m not proving anything.  I’m simply causing problems.  It’s always best to simply have a conversation with someone instead of acting negatively or hatefully towards them.  I’ve got LOTS to learn here.  40 years of bad habits to break!

Prayer –
God, Help me to live out the truth of this verse. I really do want to be gentle, loving, gracious, kind, compassionate, and friendly.  Help me to be patient, kind, and respectful towards others so that I can avoid further problems. Teach me to truly do this and not just “want” to do this.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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